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Thank you for supporting our nonprofit charitable organization. Any profits are invested in our programs and services to support Deaf and hard of hearing communities in Alberta.
Thank you for supporting our nonprofit charitable organization and Deaf and hard of hearing Albertans.


Complimentary Personal Consultations

Complimentary Personal Consultations

Your situation is unique

You may have questions about home safety and which devices will best wake you if you are sleeping or there is an emergency in your home. How do you contact first responders? 

You might have concerns about communication breakdown with your family, friends or even at work.  

Perhaps you cannot hear everyone on the phone, or your family has commented how loud your television volume is.  

Maybe you are low income and need assistance with funding options for hearing aids and assistive signaling equipment.  We can help guide you through the process of finding funding and applying for support. 

Our Accessibility Consultants are happy to connect with you to help find solutions to these types of issues. 


Let's Chat

We can chat via an in-person appointment at our office located at 63 Cornell Road NW in Calgary, Alberta. 

Alternatively, if it suits you better, we can video Zoom chat, have a Video Relay Service (VRS) conversation, or a telephone phone call.

Our conversations are fully accessible with American Sign Language Interpreters available and Live Captions. Please request these accessible options when you book your appointment. 

Customers should be confident in their decision to purchase quality products from a charitable, non-profit organization.  Deaf & Hear Alberta has been serving the Deaf and hard of hearing communities for over 60 years. 

Everyone deserves to have access to communication and alerts.  Why struggle when there are solutions available? 

Click this link now to book a Complimentary Personal Consultation on Zoom with an accessibility consultant.

Call or Text Now => => 403-284-6215 or 866-471-2805 Ext 3 

We look forward to having a conversation with you!